Monday, July 27, 2009


Attention! Attention! Oh my, it has been brought to my attention by a VIP that our address may need to be altered. It is with horror that I was recently informed that if you don't put "Dutch Caribbean" at the bottom of the address then some brainless postal workers actually send the mail to HOLLAND. I regret if anyone has sent something, namely chocolate, jelly bellies, and expensive jewels, and we have not received it. I understand that sometimes it does actually get here, but since it gets routed to Europe first, it could take a very, very long time. DO know, that a letter with cash did arrive however without the bottom line, so maybe if the planets are lined up correctly there won't be an interruption....

So here is our address for anyone who cares to send a letter:

ED Packard
Sint Eustatius
Netherlands Antilles

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