Thursday, May 21, 2009

How do you know...

Question: How do you know when you are far from home?
Answer: When during a discussion on "expressing emotions" you ask your four-year old what kinds of things make him sad and he replies,"when a coconut falls on my head !"

Welcome to our blog! Welcome to the Caribbean! Welcome to a remote island in a far corner of the world that few people visit on vacation. Welcome to a place rich in history and diverse in culture. We hope your stay with us, which will continue 16 months, will allow you to close your eyes and take you to a world far away, where you can only dream you are during those long, hot summer days. Come fly away to an imaginary world, which is actually only imaginary to you, but real to us, where coconuts and bananas and mangoes grow wild, where the ocean is warm and the breeze is cool, where no one has to go to work and there are no responsibilities, no appointments, lessons, meetings, or tournaments, no answering machines or phone calls, where every day is a beach day, where there is no pressure to do anything you don't want to....and you can dream and dream to your heart's content but this is our reality! Whoopee!

OK, okay, to be fair, and so you don't think that we are entirely cruel and heartless in doing the victory dance while you suffer another boiling hot Arizona summer, the previous two years were not exactly a picnic for us. In fact, many times I would find Ed in the closet, banging his head against the wall, chanting,"I don't want to be a butler when I grow up, I don't want to be a butler when I grow up..."

So I guess rather than an in-your-face, neener- neener- neener attitude, it would be more precise to say that we are dancing a jig around the mango alter because we are so happy and relieved with the change of circumstances and great opportunity! We have so many wonderful people to thank, and chances are 98.3% that if you have been invited to this blog, you are one of them. And we do thank you all, so many times over.

So sit back, relax, and join us on this adventure. And if you dare face the falling coconuts, save your pennies and come visit!


  1. Well - I found it, but I only see one picture.

  2. OK - I figured it out. There are a few pictures. WHAT AN ADVENTURE!!!! I am so proud of the Packard Family :)

  3. I am very excited to add this blog to my daily reads! What fun! Hope you guys are doing so well.

  4. Cool stuff! I'm glad to see you are doing well and have safely landed. Do keep us updated!

  5. Please forgive me for being a really lame friend.. I have been missing you terribly! We are barely surviving this heat.. I am so happy for you that you are not having to endure it! I will live vicariously through your wonderful blog! Reading your words makes me feel like you are sitting in your house and we are laughing our heads off on the phone! I hope you are doing well and that you are happy and healthy! Miss Megan says hello and that she misses you and Sophia like crazy! (she also just admitted that she misses the boys too.. she loved playing pirates with Charles!) We have been busy this summer.. it is going by way too fast. Jack and I were talking yesterday and we agreed the summer just isn't the same without Ethan. Megan ditto's that comment as she is missing her Sophia. I am getting ready for school to start again in a couple of weeks and all that that entails. That will bring more sadness as we won't have a cool house to go to for a bus stoP! But since Jack will go to Seminary Miss Megan will get a ride each morning. She may try to catch the bus with her friend Connie some days. Have a wonderful week and if you have some time to email me back that would be great. Know that you are all loved to pieces and missed very much by the members of this household. Daisy has taken over the house and taunts the dogs on a regular basis. She is a character and has only tried to leave the house once and after about 30 seconds realized how good she had it and ran right back into the house. Sabrina still thinks she is a Kit reincarnated and wants to know why she wont play with her? Go figure.. Take care my love and I will hopefully hear from you soon. Lots of love and hugs! Katie

  6. and for your attention that hi wasnt the best thing to say to you guys i miss you soo much its not the same going to your guys house everyday and being able to talk to sophia charles laugh with conneley and play video games with ethan i miss you and cnt wait for you guys to come back bye

    ~Megan Kauffman
