A fun sandwich, with the bun made of hellos and goodbyes.
Above we have Kai with three of his buddies, one afternoon at the pier. These boys are all from the Dominican Republic. For some reason they have decided to watch Kai's back at school. Although they don't spend time with him at school, they call him "Primo" (cousin). We think it is because although he is not one of them, he is a cousin to them. The resemblance is striking.
But wait, back up the bus...I am getting ahead of myself.
Hello #1 :
Ok, here is a photo of a group of our visitors. We are posing with a display of what 20 guilders can buy at the local bakery (sodium free)**Front: Emily, scratching her chin before the feast, Moi, Henry, my nephew
Back row: model Connely Packard, the everlovely Frances, and Allison with baby Isabelle (Allison is Frances' sister in law).
**dutch law requires all island bakeries to bake salt -free. This is due to high numbers of hypertension and diabetes and the cost involved in treating the people. Hmm.
Hello #2:
No party is complete without Kathy. Arriving from New York, Kathy joined us for a few days. On top is the adorable Poeske, begging for a ride on the dune buggy
St. Kitts in the background at botanical gardens.
Q. How many people can fit into this 5 person Jeep Cherokee?
- A. 10 persons, 2 boogie boards, 1 surfboard and a turtle floaty
- Fact: no seatbelts required on Statia
Introducing Allison to Zeelandia
With Frances about to go back to the states after 6 months with us, Henry will take her place for a couple of months. Charles now has 3 teenagers to torture him and drive him to behave like a wild, trapped animal daily. Commence the daily prisoner beatings.Sophia gets practice babysitting little Isabelle, who as a matter of fact, hardly cried or fussed the whole trip. She was a great baby.
Boys looking for the white whale.
Zsa Zsa and stylist
***Now for the sandwich middle***
No blog would be complete without the fine dining of Smoke Alley and a party
Philippe giving Charles instructions on how to get more Sprite without getting caught twice. The key, Charles, is to do it in French.
Side note: Philipe is French, his fiance Soledad, is Argentine. They lived upstairs from us and we have been friends with them for our entire stay here. We have really really enjoyed their company.